Investment Strategy
& Management

Sunstone Life Science Ventures invests in early-stage life science companies developing novel therapeutics for humans. Our geographical scope is Europe including UK with particular emphasis on the European life science hubs.

Our point of entry differs depending on the type of opportunity; however, we usually invest when drug candidates are in the pre-clinical or clinical phase I.

Sunstone Life Science Ventures’ investment strategy has a strong industry focus vis-à-vis potential buyers of our portfolio companies. Since we believe that most exits in the life science sector will continue to take place in the M&A space, we prefer business models suitable for this exit route.

To appear on the radar of potential acquirers, we invest in opportunities that truly stand out in terms of both science and market positioning. We seek opportunities which target unmet medical needs in commercially attractive markets, and we seek products which, once approved, are likely to receive attractive reimbursement and pricing structures.

We have a preference for companies targeting niche markets. Opportunities aimed at specialty pharma and orphan drug indications are especially interesting to us, and oncology continues to be an important area, for society and for investors alike.

We believe that the single most important factor when developing a successful company is the quality of the management team. This does not mean that we only invest in savvy entrepreneurs with a strong track record. But less experienced management teams should be open to change if needed to accelerate the company.

We are committed to working hands-on with our portfolio companies to build value. In order to do so, Sunstone is represented on the board of directors and works closely with the management team and the other board members to develop the company.

As an extra, unique offering, aimed at building the value of our portfolio companies, we offer access to Sunstone’s Business Development Advisory Board, established in 2007 and consisting of leading Life Science executives who have all been involved hands-on in licensing, partnerships and M&A’s on the buy-side.